passion porn videos

passion porn games

Adobe Flash Games Adobe Flash Games
Ah, youthfull love: so tender, so innocent. So predictable. Luke, the hero of this tale, had fallen in love with Maya with an undying passion and dedication. Just like every youth since the dawn of time. Maya was the one, the only, his destiny. He moved with her to another city and took a loan beyond his means with only one goal: to build their future together. But Maya saw that Luke needed some time to himself, to indeed be his own man, and shoveled him to pursue his wishes. Literally shoveled --out of the door; because she needed room for the baby. The one from her chief. So, being the sissy that he is, instead of getting inebriated and punching the one who screwed his girlfriend, Luke decided to embark on a quest of self-discovery. With his delivery van. Really. And he wonders why I disrespect him.








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lesson of passion


Adobe Flash Games

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